Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Monday she is delaying New Zealand's general elections by about a month as the nation moves to contain a new cluster of COVID-19 cases in its most populous city, Auckland.
Ardern, who has the sole authority to set elections for the country, said she consulted the heads of the major political parties before setting the new date.
Voting was originally scheduled for Sept. 19 but will now take place Oct. 17.
"Ultimately I want to ensure we have a well-run election that gives all voters the best chance to receive all the information they need about parties and candidates and delivers certainty for the future," Ardern said....
She said the delay will give voters time to feel they can vote safely and that officials can deliver an "accessible and credible election."
The opposition National Party had pushed for a delay in the elections, arguing that restrictions on campaigning would give Ardern and her Labour Party an unfair advantage, the BBC reports....