If you ended up traveling for Thanksgiving, there are steps you can take to prevent any further spread of coronavirus.
Try to be outdoors as much as possible, advises Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency room physician and former Baltimore health commissioner.
“Do not gather indoors, especially not for meals. … Have your meals outside as much as you can. If you’re indoors, open all the windows and all the doors. Make sure to wear masks anytime you're around people who are not in your immediate household,” Wen said in an interview on CNN.
Wen said that once people travel back to their homes, they should quarantine and then get tested.
“Then when you return to your home communities, I would encourage people to quarantine. Quarantine for at least seven days, and then get tested. If you cannot get tested, quarantine for 14 days. And the reason is we don't want to see coronavirus wherever it is that we’re going back home to, given how high the level of Covid is all throughout the country,” she said. ...