Covid lockdowns, such as school closures, canceled sports activities and stay-at-home orders, prematurely aged teen brains by as much as four years, researchers from the University of Washington found.
After age 45, men die at higher rates in nearly all places and at all ages, the authors wrote. While previous studies have shown men die at higher rates than women from COVID-19, the excess mortality gap has not yet been fully described based on the economic status of countries.
The good news is, the risk of developing Long COVID has dropped significantly since the start of the pandemic—and, according to a new study, we have COVID-19 vaccines to thank for much of this decline. The bad news is, the risk of developing this post-acute infection syndrome remains substantial.
In a Q&A session, WHO experts including Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, an Honorary Lecturer at Imperial College London's MRC Center for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, responded to key questions on the current outbreaks.