
Young kids and teenagers are at similar risk for long covid as adults --study


A large study today from Germany shows that kids and adolescents are at the same relative risk of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms 90 days or more after acute infection as adults are, according to findings in PLOS Medicine.

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Doctors are trying to understand why Covid Patients Coming Off Ventilators Can Take Weeks to Regain Consciousness


In March 2020, New York City’s hospitals filled up with patients desperately ill with Covid-19. In many cases, when their fluid-filled lungs could no longer give them oxygen, doctors sedated them and put them on ventilators.

The patients who recovered were taken off the machines and anesthesia. Within a day or so, their doctors expected them to wake up.

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Lessns learned" Two early US programs successfully traced COVID case contacts


A pair of new studies describe how two US jurisdictions quickly mobilized teams of contact tracers to identify and isolate people exposed to SARS-CoV-2, with a massive New York City effort finding 1.4 contacts per case and a college student-led Central Pennsylvania initiative that may have led to fewer symptomatic household infections.

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Posted By mike kraft read more
Posted By mike kraft read more


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