"Despite peak or near-peak outbreak duration and size in the winter surge that followed vaccination, the decline in severe outcomes observed upon vaccine introduction endured," the authors wrote.
An extended course of Paxlovid appears to help some patients with long COVID, according to a case series by UC San Francisco researchers that suggests this treatment option holds promise for some of those struggling with debilitating symptoms.
In Southern California, most hospitals never ended their mask mandates after the COVID-19 pandemic. But now, more mandates are returning. ...
Hospitalizations are up sharply in major cities, including Los Angeles, New York and Chicago.
Health officials are advising the immunocompromised to mask in public to prevent illness, and in Wisconsin, a major health care group is reinstating a mask mandate beginning next week.
About 7% of 428 Omicron COVID-19 survivors who were health-sciences students at a Saudi Arabian college reported persistent symptoms, notably loss of smell or taste, for more than 28 days.